Commercial Construction Solutions
At Maxon Mechanical, we provide quality commercial construction solutions that help you to create the right environment for your business. Whether you are looking to implement a current project plan or would like our team to develop one for you, we can provide you with a custom project estimate based on your needs quickly and easily. Contact us now to find out how we can help develop your commercial HVAC solution, or read on to learn more about the importance of quality HVAC systems in commercial industries.
Commercial Construction Solutions
At Maxon Mechanical, we provide quality commercial construction solutions that help you to create the right environment for your business. Whether you are looking to implement a current project plan or would like our team to develop one for you, we can provide you with a custom project estimate based on your needs quickly and easily. Contact us now to find out how we can help develop your commercial HVAC solution, or read on to learn more about the importance of quality HVAC systems in commercial industries.

What are the benefits of a quality HVAC system?
Increased Productivity
It’s no secret that increased workspace comfort increases both employee productivity and customer retention. From physical comfort and its effect on employee satisfaction and turnover to productivity and avoidable stress, your commercial HVAC solution can make a surprising difference not only for the health and wellbeing of your employees, but also to your bottom line. One International Facility Management Association (IFMA) study found that complaints about office temperatures via faulty HVAC systems outdistance all other office complaints. Similarly, the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) found that the number one tenant occupant complaint is space temperature that is either too warm or too cold. No matter your industry, a quality commercial heating and cooling system plays a key role in employee performance, comfort, and business profitability.
Increased Health And Safety
In Northern California in particular, a quality HVAC solution can be critical to a business’s ability to function safely and effectively. Proper ventilation dilutes the concentration of pollutants and is one of the most effective strategies in promoting indoor air quality. Over 60 million Americans suffer from Allergic Rhinitis. A quality HVAC system can help to remove airborne irritants like dust, dust mites, smoke particulates, and pollen from the air. Numerous workplace studies have been conducted on the importance of indoor air quality. The National Institutes of Health found the impact of poor indoor air quality on work performance to be as high as 6 to 9 percent in resulting loss of productivity. For schools, the supply of healthy indoor air is paramount for a healthy classroom environment. "Increases in classroom ventilation rates up to approximately 20 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per student are associated with improvements in student performance of a few to several percent, with the magnitude of improvement depending on the initial ventilation rate,” reads the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory website. At Maxon Mechanical, we specialize in creating solutions that can increase productivity and safeguard the health of your staff.
Increased Savings
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment consumes a substantial portion of energy in commercial buildings – roughly 40% to 60% of total building energy consumption depending on climate and other factors. Investing in a quality HVAC system can lower your monthly operational costs and increase profitability. In addition to lower monthly energy costs, an older commercial HVAC system is more likely to experience major issues. This can have a significant impact on its ability to cool your entire workspace. Additionally, you’ll have to service and repair the unit more often to keep it functioning effectively. In the end, businesses often find that it’s more cost-effective to replace their old HVAC system than frequently shelling out money for repairs.
Technical Knowledge
When selecting a new HVAC system, features like capacity, efficiency, and convenience are all important. But the truth is, these features will do you no good if the heating or cooling system is not installed properly. Proper, professional HVAC installation allows a new heating or cooling system to function as expected and perform optimally. At Maxon Mechanical we pride ourselves on providing quality, affordable and trustworthy construction services to our clients.

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