Commercial Construction Solutions
At Maxon Mechanical, we provide quality commercial construction solutions that help you to create the right environment for your business. Whether you are looking to implement a current project plan or would like our team to develop one for you, we can provide you with a custom project estimate based on your needs quickly and easily. Contact us now to find out how we can help develop your commercial HVAC solution, or read on to learn more about the importance of quality HVAC systems in commercial industries.
Services & Maintenance
Custom Maintenance Services
At Maxon Mechanical, we offer custom maintenance services to meet the unique needs of our clients. Properly maintained HVAC systems cost less to operate, require fewer repairs and last longer. Contact us now to see how we can help you keep your system in good health, or read on to learn more about our services.

How can HVAC maintenance save your business money?
Breakdown Prevention
Did you know that lack of maintenance accounts for approximately 50% of all HVAC breakdowns? It's true! Commercial HVAC systems are often more vulnerable to dirt and extremes of weather. Seasonal upkeep and preventive maintenance can help keep complex commercial heating and cooling systems running smoothly.
Energy Savings
Adjusting the equipment operating sequence can save you as much as 35% off your energy bill
Cleaning the coils – up to 15%
Changing air filters that are dirty – up to 15%
Cleaning the burner assembly – up to 15%
Remove scale from condenser coils – up to 30%
Changing air/fuel ratios – up to 15%
Cleaning soot from the fire side of the burner – up to 9%
Get rid of V-belt slippage – up to 20%
Our Northern California Service Area